Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Here is a cute story about Miss Bryanna! Today I had to interview her for a math project. I asked her several random questions and she had to come up with the answer.
I drew a picture of a circle and I told her to pretend it was a cookie. I asked her to divide it so she could share it with a she did. She cut it directly in half. I drew another circle and told her she was to split the cookie so she could share it with her and two friends. She proceeded and divided it into fourths. I said, "Bryanna you have a piece of the cookie, your two friends have piece of the cookie...but what about this leftover piece?" Bryanna replied... "I'm going to give that piece to my Mom!"
It was totally cute!!! After the comment I smiled and showed Bryanna how to divide a circle or cookie into thirds! What a cutie girl! We love you Bryanna!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

She is always so thoughtful!! Nikki should be proud of her... and wishing it was a real cookie!