Thursday, September 27, 2007

Future Plans???

How does Monday Ocotber 29th sound for our annual Halloween Party? FYI: There is no school on Monday or Tuesday...


Natalie said...

It sounds fun! Be sure to take lots of pictures, I always get a kick out of seeing the costumes!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great to us... We are already trying to get ideas for our costumes!!! He he heeee!! I don't know if I will top the giant hostess twinkie though...

Natalie said...

Who was a giant hostess twinkie? and why don't I have pictures of it?

Anonymous said...

I was.... You haven't seen the picture? I will send it to you! Not only was I a giant hostess twinkie, I handed them out to everyone when I came in. I sorta felt like Santa Claus!!!