Saturday, November 29, 2008

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays!!!

Happy Birthday you three! Three b-day's in two days... What did everyone do to celebrate??
I couldn't stop laughing... I called Jackson to sing to him and as I was singing I heard him laugh and laugh and then he said, "You so funny!! You so funny!!" I think I'm going to sing to him each time I talk to him just to hear his response!
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Throwback Thursday ~

Because tomorrow is my birthday....
Based on the candle, this was from either my 6th or 8th birthday -
Mom, do you remember which?
Hope you all had a yummy, fun Thanksgiving ~

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Throwback Thursday ~

Because tonight we've got cub-scouts and daisy-scouts!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


For those that are going to the movies this weekend....make sure you show your team spirit!
That is my team.....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Throwback Thursday ~

1996 Trip to California
Can you believe that was 12 years ago??

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cousin Christmas Exchange

Abby- Emery
Alex- Kailey
Kyra- Britton
Tyler- Jackson
Bryanna- Morgan
Aiden- Carson

Carson- Alex
Kailey- Bryanna
Jackson- Tyler

Morgan- Abby
Britton- Aiden

Emery- Jaden

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


If you didn't get out and vote today, I am going to give you another chance. This time it's going to be for shirts for our family reunion. Here are the two options:

  • The Football style- On the back of our shirts we would have "SMITH FAM" and then beneath that it will say '09'. The "SMITH FAM" isn't set in stone. It could just say "SMITH" or "FAMILY REUNION" anything we want. If you like this idea let me know what you think it should say in the comment section.
  • Signature style- On the back of the shirt we would have the state of Florida and everyone would sign their name. We would then have this copied so it was permanently on the shirt. Would we want anything else on the back?

Well, leave your suggestions and vote in the comment section. Mom says we need to decide and get the shirts going so make sure to leave your vote or I will just decide! Thanks!