Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Voting Status???

Just wondering....there has been 10 votes so far. Who has all voted? How many votes can we place? Looks like Texas Orange is in the lead....


Anonymous said...

I was thinking that we would take the top three and do another voting session and people can only vote once... BUT each adult can vote in your family. So 2 votes from each fam.

What does everyone else think about the voting status?

Natalie said...

I wasn't able to vote multiple times, but I was able to vote once for two choices (mine and Samsons).

Two votes from each family sounds good to me!

Anonymous said...

OK I guess you can only vote once from your computer! It looks like when you vote more than once it changes the results. Has anyone else noticed this??

Carrie Tidwell said...

Yea, yesterday it was Texas Orange in the lead, Now its all tied up again! I guess those that don't vote, cant complain!

Carrie Tidwell said...

Yea, yesterday it was Texas Orange in the lead, Now its all tied up again! I guess those that don't vote, cant complain!