Being stuck in the snow today, I've been thinking of warm places to take our next Smith Family Vacation. If I remember right, I am going to be organizing the family vacation for 2009. Is that right? Here are some of my warm thoughts....
My kids are all very excited to see the Rockets. So, what about at day at the Kennedy Space Center. I would love to go back to Epcot - maybe even for two days... and a few days relaxing at the pools, and visiting the beach. What else are some good places to visit in Florida? HAWAII
What about spending a Christmas all together someplace warm and tropical? Seriously, if we can get airfare for everyone and find a trendwest... it wouldn't be too expensive.
Honestly, this is my favorite choice... But the most unlikely for 2009. My family would have to spend a few years saving up for it. Maybe a Disney Cruise in 2013?